Streamline provider communications

Provider Connectivity Solutions

MW Exchange Provider Portal Services

In order to create the opportunity to streamline a variety of processes, we have developed a provider-facing portal, the MW Exchange. For our clients choosing to use the Exchange, they are able to specify which providers may participate in order to better streamline processes.

Online Provider

Allows payees to register based on payor-identified access. This "single registration" process identifies the payee and links them to all payers in the system.

Bill/Payment Status

Payees can see the status of bill payment, significantly reducing provider calls to the payor.

Treatment Authorization

Authorization requests can be submitted electronically, allowing them to be triaged and managed by the payor’s staff in the CareWare utilization review module.

Reconsideration of Processed Bills

Allows providers to manage their reconsideration/2nd Bill review process online.

Prospective Agreement of Reimbursement

Payors can set parameters for pre-approval of certain requests, potentially including the application of fee schedule, eliminating bill review on those procedures.

Document Management Systems Compatibility

Images of checks, EORs and payment data can be presented to the provider through the Exchange, providing further details on the payment status and/or process